Learn all about the Pink Moon, April’s Full Moon. Learn about the history, alternative names, correspondences, and how to utilize its energy in your magickal workings.
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What is the Pink Moon?
The Pink Moon is one of the many names for the full moon that takes place in April every year. Many cultures had specific names for each of the moons that took place throughout the year, often based off of what was noticeable in nature during that period of time. The name Pink Moon comes from the color of a type of wildflower that blooms during this time. The flower is native to North America and known as creeping or moss phlox.
Alternative Names for the April Full Moon
- Breaking Ice Moon – Algonquin
- Bear a Child Moon – Catawba
- Duck Moon – Cherokee
- Growing Moon – Celtic
- Peony Moon – Chinese
- Frog Moon – Cree
- Grass & Geese Moon – Mahican
- Loon Moon – Ojibwe
- Egg Moon – Old English
- It’s Thundering Moon – Oneida
- Planting Moon – Tunica
- Paschal Moon – the moon that is used to calculate Easter

Pink Moon Magickal Workings
As this moon takes place in early Spring, it’s energy is great for working with the same things you see in nature during this time. Anything regarding growth, abundance, and fertility will be potent. This is also a great time to work on healing yourself, as nature is also regenerating during this time.
Here are some thhemes that are especially potent this time of year:
- Self-Love
- Healing
- Motivation
- Productivity
- Self-Confidence
- Creativity
This is also usually the last full moon before Beltane! And can be used to help prepare for your sabbat celebrations if you participate in the Wheel of the Year!

Pink Moon Magickal Correspondences
Colors: Pink, Red, Gold, Royal Blue, Pastels
Crystals: Quartz, Selenite, Angelite, Ruby, Garnet
Deities: Herne, Cernunnos, Venus, Kali, Hathor, Ceres, Bast, Ishtar
Herbs: Dandelion, Milkweed, Basil, Chives, Dill, Fennel, Geranium, Phlox
Trees: Hazel, Lilac, Willow, Forsythia, Dogwood
Runes: Kenaz, Jera, Dagaz, Berkana, Wunjo
Element: Fire & Earth

Shadow Work Prompts for the Pink Moon
- What is your immediate reaction to the word love? Is it positive, negative? Why do you have this reaction?
- How have you shown yourself love lately? How could you show yourself more love?
- What areas of your life need healing? How can you prioritize this for yourself?

Pink Moon Tarot Spread
Further connect to the energies of this Full Moon with this tarot spread!
- How is the current flow of love in my life?
- What obstacles are preventing me from caring for myself?
- How can I better love myself?
Try it out for yourself! If you want to share you results feel free to comment below, join our discord server, or use the hashtag #feralwoodcoven on social media!
More on Lunar Magick
Want to learn more about working with the energies of the Moon?
Read all of our moon posts here!
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