Learn how to celebrate the sabbat Beltane if you may still be under quarantine restrictions. Easy fun tips to celebrate the Wheel of the Year whether in or out of the broom closet.
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What is Beltane?
Beltane is one of the eight sabbats and esbats on the Wheel of the Year. This fire festival represents the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, and is a celebration of the flourishing fertility of the Earth during this time. If you’d like to learn more of the history and origins of Beltane, check out Beltane 101!
How do I Celebrate Beltane during Quarantine?
Beltane is a celebration of life, love, and the blossoming energy of spring—a time to honor passion, creativity, and connection with nature. While modern life may sometimes limit how we gather and celebrate, the spirit of Beltane is boundless and can thrive in any setting, even from the comfort of home! Whether you’re staying in by choice or by circumstance, these 10 simple ideas will help you embrace the magic of Beltane—nurturing joy, abundance, and connection wherever you are.

1. Spend Time in Nature
Spending time in nature can be as simple or complex as you’d like! Go on a walk or a socially-distanced hike, meditate on the new life appearing in your backyard, start your seeds if you haven’t yet! Play with your pet or just sit on the grass and feel the earth beneath you.
2. Make a Mini Maypole
Maypoles are symbolic of Beltane and represent fertility and new life! You can make a mini maypole easily with a small wooden dowel, or even a pencil, chopstick, or popsicle stick! Attach some ribbon to the top and decoratively wind it around the post. That’s it! You can add anything you’d like to it such as flowers, paint, glitter, whatever you want! If you’d like a more step-by-step guide, Moody Moons has a lovely one here!

3. Craft a Flower Crown
You can make a flower crown using any available flora outside, just make sure it isn’t poisonous or harmful to touch first! There are many different methods on how to make your own flower crowns, some using floral tape and wire, others using just a bit of sting. If you want to learn how to make your own crown, go here!
4. Wearing Clothing that Represents the Sabbat
Utilizing your wardrobe is a fantastic way to celebrate the sabbat! You can use the color correspondences for Beltane itself or any color magick that you find fits the themes of the day. It doesn’t have to stop at just your outfit as well, makeup, jewelry, even your skincare for the day all can i help to embrace the Beltane spirit if done intentionally.

5. Have a Beltane Feast
Food is always one of my personal favorite parts of any sabbat, and Beltane is no exception! You can choose to follow any traditional Beltane foods usually including things like seeds or fresh greens and fruits, or you can just use whatever is currently in-season for your local area! If you’d like some ideas on recipes to make, check out my Easy Beltane Feast!
6. Decorate your Altar
Try incorporating additional plants onto your altar. Seeds, flowers, leaves, pinecones, and acorns all can represent the abundance and growth of nature during this time. A cauldron or candle is also a great addition to represent the fire festival. Use the color correspondences in your altar cloths or just in ribbons tied to your other décor. Beltane has many themes within this sabbat, you can choose to focus on one in particular or represent them all in different ways!

7. Make a Mini Bonfire
If you have the safe and practical means of doing so, creating a little bonfire (or just using your fireplace) to embrace the fire festival side of Beltane is a great way to celebrate the sabbat. Even burning a small amount of incense in your cauldron can bring forth those fiery energies! Try scrying into the flames, or just mediating on the concepts of fire and how it interacts with life.

8. Research the History of Beltane
It’s ok to not actually do any activities for a sabbat if you don’t want to or don’t have the energy! If you want to connect to Beltane but don’t have time for any other the other options, just read a book about Beltane, look up it’s history, or watch some videos on how to celebrate. It might inspire you to do something, or you can just learn more about the holiday and plan for next year. If you don’t know where to begin, you can read my post on the history of Beltane here.
9. Do a Beltane Tarot Spread
Divination is particularly potent at Beltane, when the veil is thin! Tarot can be a great way to get some of those answers you’ve been seeking, or to seek guidance. Try this Beltane spread here by Llewellyn!
10. Create a New Spell
Beltane is a wonderful time to work with the corresponding energies, most particularly those of fertility, prosperity, abundance, and love! Maybe create a new sigil for plant growth, or make a candle spell for self-love.

That’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe got a little inspired for your Beltane celebration along the way! Let me know what your Beltane plans are down in the comments!
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