Learn about the Thunder Moon, July’s Full Moon. Learn about the history, alternate names, correspondences, and how to utilize its energy in your magickal workings.
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What is the Thunders Moon?
The Thunder Moon is one of many names for the Full Moon that takes place in the month of July each year. The names come from various different cultures stretching across the globe and often represents themes of nature during that time of year. The name comes from the Western Abenaki peoples and is representative of the number of powerful storms we see during this time.
Other Names for the Full Moon in July
- Buck Moon – Algonquin
- Blessing Moon – Unknown
- Meadow Moon – Unknown
- Berry Moon – Anishinaabe
- Feather Moulting Moon – Cree
- Halfway Summer Moon – Anishinaabe
- Month of the Ripe Corn Moon – Cherokee
- Moon When the Chokecherries are Ripe – Dakota
- Raspberry Moon – Algonquin, Ojibwe
- Salmon Moon – Tlingit
- Wort Moon – Old English/Anglo-Saxon
- Hay Moon – Old English/Anglo-Saxon
- Mead Moon or Honey Moon – European
- Guru Full Moon or Guru Purnima – Hindu

Thunder Moon Magickal Workings
With this moon being in the center of Summer and leading up to Lughnasahd or Lammas, the air is pregnant with opportunity. Gardens are filled to the brim with produce, animals are fat on the lush summer pastures, and people are preparing to start bringing in the harvest. Water energy is strong during this Full Moon cycle, so anything connecting to or involving the element of water is especially potent! This is also a great time to encorporate storms or other types of weather into your magickal practice.
- Meditation/Reflection
- Divination (especially water scrying!)
- Dreamwork
- Water Magick
- Cleansing/Purification
- Harvest Blessings
- Protection, especially directed towards those rewards you will soon be reaping

Thunder Moon Correspondences
Colors: Green, Silver, Blue, Gray
Crystals: Moonstone, White Agate, Opals, Pearls
Deities: Juno, Venus, Cerridwen, Athena, Nephthys, Lugh
Herbs: Mugwort, Hyssop, Lemon Balm
Trees: Ash, Oak
Element: Water

Thunder Moon Tarot Spread
Further connect to the energies of this Full Moon with this tarot spread!
- What abundance should I prepare to receive?
- What can I do to receive the best benefits from this harvest?
- How can I best protect myself and my prosperity?
Try it out for yourself! If you want to share your results feel free to comment below, join our discord server, or use the hashtag #feralwoodcoven on social media!

Shadow Work Prompts for the Thunder Moon
- Are you prepared to start reaping the results of your hard work? If not, what is holding you back? How can you best set yourself up for success in this area?
- What is your relationship to success? Is it positive & wanting? Loathsome & jealous? Maybe even fearful? Why is that? What instances have led you to have this feeling?
- What’s one step you can take this month to feel either more comfortable with success, or to protect your prosperous self?
More on Moons
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