Learn about the Wolf Moon, January’s Full Moon. Learn about the history, alternative names, correspondences, and how to utilize its energy in your magickal workings.
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What is the Wolf Moon?
The name Wolf Moon is thought to have originated from early Europeans hearing the howls of hunting wolf packs more frequently during this time of the year; since Winter was a cold time of scarcity, the wolves were therefore more hungry. While we now know that wolves do not simply howl just for hunting purposes, the name has still persisted.
Alternative Names for the Wolf Moon
- Freeze Up Moon – Algonquin
- Center Moon- Assiniboine
- Ice Moon – Catawba
- Quiet Moon – Celtic
- Windy Month – Cherokee
- Holiday Moon – Chinese
- Cooking Mon – Choctaw
- Cold Moon – Cree
- Frost Exploding Moon – Cree
- Great Moon – Cree
- Severe Moon – Dakota
- Hard Moon – Dakota
- Moon of the Terrible – Dakota Sioux
- Winter Moon – Inupiat
- Cracking Tree Moon – Mahican
- Spirit Moon – Ojibwe
- Start of Winter Moon – Ojibwe
- New Winter Moon – Ojibwe
- Canada Goose Moon – Tlingit
- Greetings Moon – Wester Abenaki

Wolf Moon Magickal Workings
While we are now beyond the longest night of the year, we are still in the cold depths of Winter and many of the Wolf Moon’s themes are relective of this time of rest, self-discovery, and scarcity.
- Protection
- Meditation
- Shadow Work
- Focus
- Personal Development
- Stability
- Letting Go
- Loyalty

Wolf Moon Correspondences
Colors: Black, White, Silver, Dark Green, Blue
Crystals: Obsidian, Hematite, Selenite, Onyx
Deities: The Morrigan, Hecate, Inanna, Frejya, Skadi
Herbs: Marjoram, Thistle, Basil
Trees: Birch, Hazel
Element: Air

Wolf Moon Tarot Spread
Further connect to the energies of this Full Moon with this tarot spread!
- What is something I need to let go of right now?
- What should I be prioritizing with my energy?
- How can I better protect my energy?
Try it out for yourself! If you want to share you results feel free to comment below, join our discord server, or use the hashtag #feralwoodcoven on social media!

Shadow Work Prompts for this Moon
- What are your current biggest goals? What bad habits will you need to shed to achieve these goals?
- What is holding you back or stopping from achieving your dreams in this moment? What is one small step you can take everyday to move closer to your dreams?
- What is your relationship with trust and loyalty? Why do you feel this way? Who or what moment in your life might’ve catalyzed this viewpoint?
More on Moons
Want to learn more about working with the energies of the Moon?
Read all of our moon posts here!
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