Learn all about color magick basics. Everything you need to know to craft the simplest of spells!
What is Color Magick?
Have you ever noticed that most fast food brands use similar colors? Well, there’s a reason behind that! The bright yellow is meant to capture your attention and give you feelings of happiness, nostalgia, and comfort; while the bold red is commonly associated with desire. Together these colors make a combination that is supposed to entice customers to come in for a bite. Colors can have a large impact on your mind on a conscious or subconscious level, from associating green with being healthy or environmentally friendly, to preferring to wear your favorite color to boost your mood. Some studies have even begun to show that color can have an effect on the body as well.
Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Chinese, practiced chromotherapy, or the use of colors to heal. Chromotherapy is sometimes referred to as light therapy or colorology.
Simply put, this is the magick of using the various different color correspondences for their associative purposes in magickal workings. This is the art of using the underlying associations of each unique color to boost or draw in targeted energies to reach a specific goal.

The Basics: Color Correspondences
- Red: Love, Lust, Anger, Rage, Warmth
- Orange: Attraction, Encouragement, Creativity, Self-Expression,
- Yellow: Friendship, Happiness, Energy, Excitement
- Green: Health, Growth, Prosperity, Money, Abundance
- Blue: Calming, Peace, Sleep, Communication,
- Indigo: Intuition, Lucidity, Trust
- Purple: Psychic Ability, Knowledge, Dreams
- Black: Protection, Banishing
- White: Protection, Cleansing, Purification
How to Use Color Magick
Color magick can be used in almost every spell or magickal working, it can apply to the coloring of candles, herbs, paints, auras, and more; the uses are as limitless as your imagination.

Ideas for Utilizing Color Magick in your Practice
- Using certain colors to infuse magick into your artwork
- Choosing colors with intent when painting a room to invoke a certain feeling
- Wearing corresponding colors to celebrate the sabbats such as Litha or Beltane
- Picking specific colors to create magickal flower bouquets
- Decorating your Altar(s) with colors corresponding to what you are currently focusing on in your craft
- Use a colored bag or satchet for a spell bag with matching correspondences
- Think about color meaning when doing divination with Oracle or Tarot cards
- Dive into the associations of color with the chakras
- Write in colored ink or colored paper for your Book of Shadows/Grimoire or to make petitions
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